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I just tried to see what else I might enjoy (at swwim) but it seems I'm excluded by gender. Which is an oddity, since a good few of my readership are female. Why swwim? Well my most recent follower Marian had shared this verse. I'm afraid I've crammed so much in a few years (old bloke returns to written page) and my eyes are on fire:) so I'll read more later if I can... I lack knowledge on poetic tech so apologies for not waffling about iambs. But the language and perhaps subject handling remind me of Plath. Perhaps it was the time? Or again a gendered issue? It's in the way things are described, the economical direct and clever but not obscure choice of words - and their order. Still, I'll share as a note for any other female readers:), Yours etc, a bloke

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Hi Alex! Thanks so much for your note. No one is excluded from reading SWWIM (which stands for Supporting Women Writers in Miami—please see SWWIM.org for our mission statement). We welcome you to subscribe for free to enjoy a poem every weekday that will be sent to your inbox.

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