Hola, it’s 3:05 PM! Time to take a cafecito break!

Welcome to Poem in the Afternoon, read by a woman-identifying writer who is attending Miami Book Fair 2023. Enjoy this taste of poetry, sponsored by Miami Book Fair, 305 Cafecito (Miami’s Official Cafecito Break), and SWWIM, with Miami's favorite beverage—a cafecito, of course! We look forward to seeing you at the Fair.
Appearance at Miami Book Fair 2023: Nicole Tallman, Sunday, 11/19, 11:00 am, Room 8303 & Tribute to Maureen Seaton: Sunday, 11/19, 4:00 pm, Room 8303
Transcript of poem: In fifth grade, I carried a grape Scratch ‘n Sniff Sticker in my pants pocket wherever I went. I also carried a copy of a heavy, faded book the school librarian reserved especially for me. Mrs. Woodward reminded me of a mouse being chased by an owl. Someone said something about her living with another woman. We weren’t supposed to speak of it, although no one ever told me that directly. My sticker became my bookmark. By winter, my book smelled like an old vineyard. Even now, if I close my eyes, the curtained room velvets and purples.
Nicole Tallman is a poet, writer, and editor. Born and raised in Michigan, she lives in Miami and serves as the official Poetry Ambassador for Miami-Dade County, Editor of Redacted Books, Poetry and Interviews Editor for The Blue Mountain Review, and an Associate Editor for South Florida Poetry Journal. She is the author of three books: Something Kindred, Poems for the People, and FERSACE. She is also the creator and host of ELJ Editions/Redacted Books' Be Well Reading Series and the Lunchtime Poetry & Jazz Series at Miami-Dade County's Main Library. Find her on social media @natallman and nicoletallman.com.
This poem was first published in Cultural Daily and subsequently published in Nicole Tallman’s third book, FERSACE. Permission granted by the author.
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